There have been so many great race reports recently that I had no idea how I was going to meet the high standard that has been set and so I thought I would share this short video with everyone…..

1 week ago I completed Ironman Zurich in 10:36. It is the hardest race I have ever done and the happiness you can see in the video says it all about how I felt about finishing my first official IM!

My prep wasn’t quite what I had planned when I set out on the IM journey and the heat on the day really took its toll which meant I didn’t get the time that I had set out to achieve but it was an amazing race, in an amazing place and I had an amazing support crew (Crawford, Mum and Dad) that got me through. Racing does not always go to plan but crossing that finishing line is what it is all about and it is the best feeling in the world – definitely worth all the hurt that you put yourself through to get there.

I made it onto the podium – 2nd in my age group and 15th lady across the line and so it was a pretty good result for me and although I said before and after this race I never wanted to do another IM  – I am already having doubts as I know I can do better. 🙂

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